Trae Buck is awarded his Eagle Scout Badge

Trae Buck is the 17-year-old son of Ernie and Rita Buck of Darlington.

He is currently a Senior at Trinity-Byrnes Collegiate School where he is a captain of both the football and baseball teams and was selected as an All Region Football player.

He was chosen as MVP and received the Coaches Award in baseball.

He is also a member of FCA and serves as President of the Teenage Republicans Club. He is also a member of the Skeet Team, Math Team, National Honors Society and the National Spanish Honors Society.

He was also selected to be a Junior Class Usher and a National Advanced Placement Scholar. He wishes to attend the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado in the fall and pursue a career in Neurosurgery while also advancing his piloting skills.

For his Eagle Scout Project, Trae cosmetically refinished the entire parking areas located at TBCS. This refinishing project allowed for all faculty, staff, students and visitors of the school to safely and clearly identify all parking.

Trinity-Byrnes Collegiate School is a coeducational, non-discriminatory, college-preparatory day school serving students in grades seven through 12 located in Darlington.

Trinity-Byrnes fosters development of every student’s intellect and character through strong academics, a wide variety of athletics and extra-curricular activities.

For more information contact April Munn, Director of Admissions and Communications, at (843) 395-9124,

Author: Stephan Drew

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