The election and remaining steadfast in our faith

By Bill Holland

People talk about faith all the time and this a good thing, however, along with our confidence, there must also be a collection of other Godly character traits operating within us in order to have a balanced and sincere relationship with Him. Faith is not just a magic wand that is used when we want something, but rather is an agreement with God’s will, which is a critical part of being His child. As to the election, we knew that half the nation would be glad while the other half would be sad, but how many were asking God about His prophetic timeline pertaining to the end of the age? For the past six months, I’ve had numerous letters and e-mails from readers who wanted to know if God has been revealing to me who would become president. I honestly did not know, even though the Internet was abundant with prognosticators and dreamers who claimed to have an inside track about the outcome. My theology includes the validity of certain individuals who have spiritual gifts including being able to hear from heaven, but much of what is out there are individuals simply trying to make a name for themselves. Encourage yourselves in God’s truth and remain steadfast in your faith! God is never surprised, He is in total control, and His agenda is moving along exactly the way He knew it would. It’s not a secret that I am a Christian conservative and I have nothing to apologize for. I have my own ideas and opinions like everyone else and I’m not deterred from anyone trying to condemn me for refusing to compromise in order to be politically correct. I’m not right about everything and neither is anyone else, I’m just a student trying to learn and grow in my understanding. I serve the Lord Jesus and pray for those who are His followers as well as for those who embrace the philosophies of a culture that has abandoned God’s absolute truth. It’s never been my intention as a faith columnist to create strife, but rather my vision and passion is to relay spiritual encouragement and inspiration as I point to the one who is the creator and authority over all things. The Lord has opened many doors for me to share in certain areas and on the other hand there are publications that do not want to distribute religious content at all. Nevertheless, I’m grateful to have the opportunity to serve. Within the dissension, I along with many others are praying for healing, however we also accept that His sovereignty will have the last word. I believe He is reminding us today that all is not lost! Whatever happens from this point forward, we know that our heavenly Father will always sit on His throne and the devil and his dark agenda must bow their knee to whatever He says. As many devoted followers of Christ are feeling a sense of heaviness and despair, we realize the negativity is trying to discourage and cause these warriors to lose their faith. With many claiming this is the end of the world, let us remember that Christians might function within an earthly government, but spiritually we are citizens of heaven. The Lord has given His disciples a destiny and a mission to fulfill for Him no matter what may come, and this is not the time to throw in the towel and allow an election to crush our hope. God’s word has not changed, and neither has our mission. We are still called to have a spiritual impact on those around us if we choose to allow the light and love of God to shine within us. Whoever sits in the Oval Office should never quench our responsibility to love or hinder our burden to intercede. Everyone has an opportunity to live as close to Christ as they want, and political systems must not douse the fire of our determination to keep pressing forward for His glory. Governments may change but our covenant vow with God remains the same! “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” — Romans 8:35, 38-39.

Author: Stephan Drew

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