From Sacred Earth — Catawba Pottery
On a hot July Saturday I drove to the Native American Studies Center in Lancaster, South Carolina.
A near disaster in Darlington
“Gray skies, rain falling, a September Gale,” the people said. It happened every year at this time. Folks in the village were prepared.
Have fireflies left us?
Among sedges and along tree lines, across lawns and fields they’ll soon cease blinking.
Glancing at leaves
This time of year I catch myself glancing at leaves. On walks through woods and bike rides along trails, I see the occasional red leaf. I glance again and see a few more leaves turning crimson. Soon red outnumbers green. Autumn’s nigh.
LETTER TO EDITOR — Reader remembers Purple Heart vets
Dear Editor,
Thank you for the stories of the fine men who received the Purple Heart while protecting us during their military service.
LETTER TO EDITOR — Reader says “Stop the calls!”
Dear Editor,
This is a letter to Senators Graham and Scott and all of our representatives to Washington.