S.C. Film Studio recruiting actors, extras for Pee Wee Gaskins movie
South Carolina Film Studio will begin pre-casting in the area, including Darlington, for their upcoming new move “Donald Gaskins (known as Pee Wee Gaskins)” beginning July 30, 2023. They are also hosting a writing session/consultation on July 29, 2023, with some of their film writers to help tell the stories of victims and family that are still suffering from their trauma.
The day during Pre-Casting they will be registering everyone who is interested in being cast, extra, and crew in their database. They will also be providing headshots to the ones who doesn’t have one for $50 with their photographer. They are asking that everyone who is interested help them create the story.
For tickets to the writing session, check their website at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-gaskins-movie-consultation-tickets-633581317777?fbclid=IwAR0Z_FynUZVYIsV69GerjsOvZjXHudYdhlUjK_lEuaa_ApETgVU0cJ47tVs&mibextid=Zxz2cZ