Open Enrollment period ends Dec. 15

Open enrollment for individual health insurance began Nov. 1. This year’s open enrollment period for the Affordable CareAct (ACA) has been shortened to 45 days, ending on Dec. 15.

Gold, Silver and Bronze plans are available for individuals and families. All plans cover the same essential health benefits, but the costs will vary based on the metallic level. BlueCross is offering 24 plans on the health care exchange, including the BlueEssentialsSM Bronze 4 plan, which could have a zero premium, depending on a person’s income and eligibility for subsidies. In addition, some of the plans have lower copays, smaller deductibles and a variety of prescription drug benefits.

Moreover, people who do not qualify for subsidies can purchase lowered priced silver plans as well as other off-exchange insurance products, which offer a variety of benefit options and prices.

“The shortened length of open enrollment creates a great sense of urgency for some people. We want to ensure people get the information they need to make good decisions for themselves within the limited time frame,” said Terry Peace, BlueCross senior vice president. “The varying price and benefit designs, including the zero premium, offer a wide range of options, which gives security of coverage and, hopefully, peace of mind.”

According to 2016 census information, 14.5 percent of the state’s nearly 5 million residents are uninsured. BlueCross urges all South Carolinians not covered by their employer to purchase insurance, as required by law.

There are several ways consumers can get more information about the BlueCross plans offered on the exchange:

Visit www.SouthCarolina
Call toll free, 877-313-2583.
The SC Blue RV Tour stops in Florence Dec. 11 – 15, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., at Doctors Care, 2200 S Irby St.

Author: mrollins

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