Lamar considering well closure

By Samantha Lyles, Staff Writer,

Council member Mike Lloyd shared the results of the town’s latest DHEC water system inspection, noting that officials said Lamar “needs improvement” and should abandon the #1 well – perhaps permanently – since that well’s trace radium problem has not been handled to DHEC’s satisfaction.

Lloyd and Mayor Randy Reynolds said alternatives to permanent well closure should be explored, and agreed that abandoning the well would be an expensive undertaking, requiring the town to hire certified well drillers and secure the old well with concrete. Rough estimates bandied about at the meeting said that process could cost at least $40,000.

Meanwhile, Lamar has put their recently installed skater system to use, purchasing water as needed from the Darlington County Water and Sewer Authority. About ten-percent of the town’s water supply last month was from DCWSA, which ended up costing Lamar just under $700.

Council members also discussed options for licensing landscaping and other businesses that travel and conduct business in Lamar. One possible option would issue businesses a color-coded tag to display in their vehicle windows, letting police officers know that business has paid its license fees and is authorized to work in Lamar.

Lloyd said that whatever system the town chooses to employ, they need to keep a closer eye on contractors and businesses to ensure they are not working in town illegally.

Council member Jackie Thomas noted that Lamar Police Department Chief Charles Woodle continues to pursue grants for new equipment, such as body cameras and in-vehicle video systems, and grants to replace Kevlar vests for LPD officers. Thomas said Woodle has been in communication with state agencies and officials working on this project.

Mayor and council also invited the public to join in Lamar’s annual Thanksgiving Day program, to be conducted downtown on Railroad Avenue, Nov. 25 at 6 pm, under the direction of Pastor Michael Parnell.


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