Lady Falcons defeated by South Florence

Darlington’s Jamera Madison carries the ball down court. PHOTO BY PHYLLIS CAPLES
Monday, January 24th the lady Falcons varsity Basketball team was defeated 52 to 45 by the visiting South Florence lady Bruins in Darlington.
The start of Monday night’s game was tough for the lady Falcons as the visiting Bruins pushed a hard offensive game. The first quarter saw the visitors score 13 points over the Falcons 9 points.
The second quarter saw the same fast passed action against the lady Falcons where the lady Bruins scored 21 points over Darlington’s 16. Going into halftime, the South Florence Bruins led 34 to 25 over the Darlington Falcons.
The second half saw the lady Falcons push back against the South Florence offence where they outscored the visitors 14 to 10 in the third quarter.
The final quarter saw both teams struggle to gain many points over each other as the game came closer to ending. After the lady Bruins score 8 points over the lady Falcons’ 6 in the final quarter, the South Florence Bruins won 52 to 45 against the Darlington lady Falcons.