Darlington girl has green thumb
The gift of gardening continues for a Darlington family, as young Kadence Stokes, age 9, displays her talent for growing beautiful plants.
“She absolutely loves to do her flowers,” said her mother, Karen Stokes. “Her Papa used to have such a beautiful garden. He had a green thumb and it looks like she has inherited it. She did a garden last year also.” She started her garden in April, and plants everything from seedlings. Her brother, Jacob, age 14, helps her change out the heavy mulch.
Kadence is an honor roll student at Brockington Elementary Magnet School. In addition to gardening, she enjoys art and playing softball, like her sisters Bridgett age 18, and Haley age 11. Her parents are Joshua and Karen Stokes; Paternal Grandparents-Danny (Debbie) Stokes , Peggy Dubose, Maternal Grandparents- Stephen Shoemake( deceased 2013) and Judy Chapman.
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