Church News: March 20, 2015

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New Spring Hill AME Revival
Revival services will be held on Wednesday –Friday May 20 – 22 nightly at 7:30 p.m. at New Spring Hill African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1246 Lester Rd., Dillon. The renowned Pastor Carmin Leach will be the revivalist, along with Life Ministry Church of Myrtle Beach. All are invited to attend.

Gospel Singing at Love Life Ministries
Enjoy a special concert to benefit the food pantry to help those in need. Recently we have had so many people call on us for help, and we do not have the resources to help them. To help fill the shelves with groceries, the singing is free and everyone is welcome to enjoy, but please bring canned goods or non-perishables. We can also accept some frozen items such as meats, or donate money for our manna fund. We welcome anyone who wishes to come and sing. Gospel Benefit Singing will be Saturday, may 23 at 2:00 p.m. at Love Life Ministries, 213 Cross St., 52 Bypass, across from Raceway Ford.

Homecoming at Freedom Baptist Church
Freedom Baptist Church will be celebrating 29 years of serving Jesus Christ in Darlington on Sunday, May 24. Services begin at 9:30 a.m. with Sunday School. The 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service will feature Burning Bridges, a couple from Darlington. Lunch will be served immediately following the Morning Worship Service. Please join us for this special occasion. Freedom Baptist Church is located at 1416 Lamar Highway, Darlington.

Youth Day Service at Center Baptist
The Center Baptist Church located at 3420 Sally Hill Rd, Timmonsville will celebrate Youth Day on Sunday, May 24 at 10:00 a.m. Speaker will be Rev. Napoleon Bradford off Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church of Sumter. All are invited.

Initial Sermon
Ms. Deidrell G. Sansbury will deliver her initial sermon on Sunday May 24th at 5:00 p.m. at Cherry Grove Missionary Baptist Church, 552 E. Billy Farrow Highway in Darlington. Rev. Dr. E. B. Burroughs is pastor.

Fifth Sunday Singing Convention
The Fifth Sunday Freewill Singing Convention will be held at Lawson Grove Baptist Church, Sunday Ma 31 with Sunday School beginning at 9:30 a.m. Asking all choirs to be on time for Sunday School and Worship Service. Church is located at 3585 Lawson Grove Rd., Darlington.
2015 Summer Feeding Service Program
Vision Educational Center is a sponsor for the 2015 Summer Feeding Service Program
from June 8 – August 7. If you are looking for a summer job, we are accepting sites and workers. We welcome any church, organization, apartment complex, summer program, and indivual to participate. Call 843-627-3482 for more information. Training will be held June 4 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at The Dillon County Wellness Center, 1647 Commence Dr., Dillon.

Pastor’s 248th Pastoral Anniversary
The Center Baptist Church located at 3420 Sally Hill Rd. Timmonsville will celebrate the 28th Pastoral Anniversary of their Pastor, Rev. Jackie Boyd, on Sunday, June 14 at 10:00 a.m. Speaker will be Rev. Emanuel Simon, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church of Lamar. All are invited.

Bible Study
Bible study at Mt.Zion Tabernacle Believers Church 426 W. Broad St. Darlington, on Tuesday nights at 6:00 p.m. Bible study led by Rev.Larry Scipio. Contact Deacon Z.Frierson at 843-992-3158 or church 843-992-8125. Come join us.

God’s Garden
God’s Garden is ready to plant. The garden is located on Smith Avenue in Darlington. Everyone is invited to join in the fun of planting and watching your plants grow and produce edible foods.
There is no charge for planting in the garden. The on who plants furnishes his/her seeds and fertilizer. We do have access to water for the garden, and a tiller for the plowing. If you are interested in being part of God’s Garden, call 393-3540 and leave a message. Your call will be returned. We would like to get young people involved.

Mt. Zion Tabernacle Ministries announces their hours
Mt. Zion Tabernacle Ministries 426 W. Broad St. in Darlington announces their hours
1st/3rd Sunday Pastoral Sunday: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Church Services 11:00 Elder M. Frierson 2nd/4th Sunday: Sunday School at 9:30 by Deacon Z. Frierson Service at 11:00 a.m. Min.Gerald Green. The community is invited to attend. Come expecting to hear the anointed Word. Contact Deacon.Z.Frierson 843-229-3158

WOW Wednesday’s Youth Focus
CALLING ALL YOUTH! Every Wednesday, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Youth, grades 1st thru 12th Speakers, classes, movies, refreshments, etc. Macedonia Life-Skills Center 400 S. Main Street, Darlington. For more information: Call Mrs. Patsy Y. Sawyer 843-319-1837.


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