Around Town – July 1, 2015

Dear Readers:

By the time you read this page, my youngest child and I will be in “Down East” to celebrate the 4th of July in my hometown with family in Bath, Maine.

After the extremely hot temperatures we’ve had recently, I prayed for cooler temperatures; it appears God listened – the Maine temperatures are predicted for highs of 70’s and lows in the 50’s.

God has a sense of humor, however; the days will be back to the 100 degree temperatures when I return next week. Either way, I love both states so much. It’s a good thing I love summer!

While I’m hugging my sweet Mum so much she’ll think I’ve turned into a baby chimpanzee, I hope folks here in Darlington County enjoy our nation’s birthday with your family and friends. Remember to be careful with fireworks, and certainly be mindful of safety when driving… whether you drive a motor vehicle, golf cart, or a boat!

The News & Press office will be closed on Friday, July 3rd. We would love to see photographs of your family all decked out in red, white & blue for the Independence Day: send us your photos to: and Facebook page News & Press.

See you soon! Jana Banana


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