Support Bid to Benefit Spina Bifida
Corrie Wilson is the proud parent of a child with Spina Bifida. Their journey began when her son, Bryce, was born with this condition. It was Corrie’s father, Cary Stengel, who initiated the efforts to support the Spina Bifida Association. Today, Corrie and her family continue the legacy they started, asking for your help to carry on the fundraising that is so desperately needed.Spina Bifida brings with it numerous challenges, from specialist appointments to surgeries, medical supplies, equipment, and various limitations. But despite these obstacles, Bryce has never let them hold him back. Cary Stengel’s vision lives on, and they are committed to ensuring it thrives.Join them, along with So-Lina Auction Market Inc., in raising funds for the Spina Bifida Association (SBA). The proceeds will directly benefit the SBA of the Carolina’s Chapter, assisting families in need, providing small scholarships, spreading awareness, and educating others about Spina Bifida. This October, which is Spina Bifida Awareness Month, they have planned several activities throughout the month, and they invite you to be part of it. They have organized events such as a donut and certificate day, a baked goods day, a donations day, and two raffle item days. Bryce himself was present to sell donuts and certificates. If you or your business would like to contribute, whether it’s a baked good, an item, a certificate, or a monetary donation, please reach out to Corrie Wilson, at 843-861-2881 or support means the world! Together, we can all make a real difference in the lives of those affected by Spina Bifida. Thank you for your time, consideration, and support!