Six arrested for drugs

Steve Jacoby Wilkes

Krystian Ashley Crocker-Hall

Robert Deandre McCurry

Carla Michelle Bissette

Elisabeth Nicole Polston

Tyshana Monique Parnell
On Thursday, August 24, 2023, Darlington County Deputies conducted a Search Warrant off of Weaver St. in the Darlington Area of Darlington County. The Search Warrant was the result of an ongoing Narcotics Investigation, according to Major David Young. Tyshana Parnell, Elizabeth Polston, Carla Michelle Bissette, Robert McCurry, Kristian Crocker-Hall, and Steve Jacoby Wilkes were all arrested at the scene and charged with Possession of Methamphetamine. This case is still ongoing and more arrests may follow. Sheriff James Hudson Jr. is wholeheartedly dedicated to fighting crime and drugs in Darlington County.