Sheriff’s Deputy victim of domestic violence

On the night of July 10, Darlington County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a current deputy’s residence in Hartsville in reference to a physical altercation involving the deputy and his live-in girlfriend. Due to the altercation involving a current deputy, the investigation into the incident was turned over to the Florence County Sheriff’s Office, which has investigators who specialize in cases of domestic violence. The FCSO has informed the DCSO that the deputy involved was not the aggressor and has been cleared.

The incident report written by responding deputies indicates a possible motive of the attack was over initials on the victim’s cell phone charger. After review, the cell phone charger had the initials of “KK” and not “KKK” on it. However, due to the girlfriend of the deputy destroying the cell phone charger, it was unable to be inspected. The name of the deputy is not being released due to him being a victim.

Since January 2017, 25 percent of victims of domestic violence in Darlington County have been men. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 7 men have been severely physically abused by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime.



Author: mrollins

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