Sheriffs’ Association seeking new members

The Darlington County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce that the 2015 Spring Membership Drive for the South Carolina Sheriff’s Association has begun.

The citizens of Darlington County are encouraged to participate in the membership drive and to become an Honorary Member in order to help our communities become a safer place to live, work, and play.

Sheriff Wayne Byrd would like the citizens of Darlington County to be aware that you will receive membership appeals through the mail only. Neither the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office, nor the South Carolina Sheriff’s Association solicits via telemarketing. If you receive a phone call from someone claiming to be calling on behalf of the South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association, know that it is fraudulent and hang up.

The South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association provides aggressive advocacy using the strong unified voice of South Carolina’s 46 elected Sheriffs. The Association is a key player in shaping state policy on public safety and crime prevention, as well as providing critical training to Sheriffs’ teams.

Individuals choosing to join the voluntary program can do so for as little as $25, while businesses can show their support for a $50 contribution. The funding provides critically important technical resources, training and legislative support on key criminal justice issues. It is important note that contributions are tax deductible.
Individuals that do not receive a membership appeal in the mail and would like more information can contact the South Carolina Sheriffs’ Association at by phone at (803) 772-1101 or online at They can also be reached by mail at 112 Westpark Blvd., Columbia, SC 29210.

Author: Jana Pye

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