Schools partner for Entrepreneurship Day
The SiMT Gould Business Incubator at Florence-Darlington Technical College and The Kelley Center for Economic Development at Francis Marion University have partnered to host Entrepreneurship Day at the SiMT Jan. 29.
The daylong event will support regional business outreach programs in the Pee Dee by providing access to the latest in innovation resources.
Area experts and experienced entrepreneurs will share personal insights and practical tools that businesses can use to accelerate growth.
Community members, college students and businesses are invited to discuss their ideas, share what they’re working on or obtain information regarding local and statewide resources.
Topics covered will include: The Art of the Pitch, Product to Market Strategy, Intellectual Property Protection, Digital Marketing Strategies, The Pee Dee Idea Challenge, Winning Contracts and Grants, Alternative Funding Sources, Social Media Research, Manufacturing Technologies, Virtual Reality Production.
Check-in will be at the SiMT building at 8:30 a.m. The program begins at 9 a.m. and adjourns at 3 p.m.
There will be demonstrations of the Virtual Reality Production Studio and the Advanced Manufacturing Center following the presentations.
Agency informational tables will be available for additional resources for business owners.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
To preregister, visit