S. C. State Alumni Association calendar honors local resident

The S.C. State University Alumni Association’s annual calendar honors a Darlington resident for May 2022.
Lina Malinda Hawkins Pearson worked for the Darlington County School District for more than 50 years. She served as a librarian at Brockington Elementary, West Hartsville Elementary, Spaulding Elementary and Washington Street Elementary schools.
She retired in 2021 as a librarian in the Lee County School District.
Pearson received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce and the Educator Excellence Award from the S.C. Alliance of Black School Educators @ PeeDee. She received a B.S. degree in education with a concentration in library science from then-S.C. State College in 1964 and a master’s degree in education from Francis Marion in 1977.
She is a member of St. James United Methodist Church in Darlington. She was married to the late Joshua Pearson Jr. (S.C. State 1960) and is the mother of M. Joyce Pearson (S.C. State 1989) and Joshua Pearson III (S.C. State 1995).

Author: Stephan Drew

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