Red Cross assisting Darlington family after fire

American Red Cross disaster-trained volunteers are assisting a family whose home, located on Lynches River Rd in Lamar, was damaged by a fire last night. The Red Cross is helping three people by providing financial assistance for immediate needs such as food, clothing, and shelter, along with referrals to much needed resources.

As Christmas approaches, it’s a time to prepare the holiday feast and brush up on home fire safety. Christmas is one of the country’s peak days for cooking fires, and the American Red Cross of South Carolina encourages family chefs to follow simple steps to prepare the holiday feast safely.

“Home fires are a real threat to communities across South Carolina over the Thanksgiving holiday,” said Rod Tolbert, Chief Executive Officer for the Red Cross of South Carolina. “In particular, cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires, and year after year, Thanksgiving is the peak day for these tragedies. We at the Red Cross are urging families to follow cooking safety steps to help prevent your holiday celebrations from going up in smoke.”

Author: Stephan Drew

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