DCSD approves two years of academic calendars

The Darlington County Board of Education approved the district’s academic calendars for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 at its Nov. 8 board meeting. The two calendars come after much discussion and feedback from parents, students, teachers, and other district employees. In 2022-2023 school year, the first day of school for students will be Aug. 1, 2022. The first day for teachers will be July 25, 2022. Both calendars will allow the district to complete the first semester before Christmas/Winter Break and both will end before the first of June. In response to the feedback, the district was able to incorporate week-long breaks in October and February for teachers and students. In all, students will be in school 180 days as mandated by S.C. law and teachers will work for 190 days.


July 4………………… Holiday: Independence Day

July 25-29………….. Professional development

Aug. 1……………….. First day for students

Aug. 19……………… No school for students: Prof. development

Sept. 5……………….. Holiday: Labor Day

Oct. 4……………….. End of first quarter

Oct. 10……………… No school for students: Prof. development

Oct. 11-14…………. Schools closed. District offices open.

Nov. 8………………. Schools closed: eLearning Day

Nov. 23-25…………. Holiday: Thanksgiving

Dec. 16……………… Early dismissal. End of 2nd quarter/1st semester

Dec. 19-Jan. 2…….. Holiday: Christmas/Winter Break

Jan. 3………………… No school for students: Prof. development

Jan.16………………. Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Feb. 20-24…………. Schools closed. District offices open.

Mar. 15…………….. End of the third quarter

Mar. 17…………….. No school for students: Prof. development

Apr. 7……………….. Early dismissal

Apr. 10-14…………. Spring Break for students, school staff

Apr. 10-11…………. Spring Break for 240-day employees

Apr. 12-14…………. Schools closed. District offices open.

May 25……………… Last day for students, early dismissal

May 26……………… No school for students: Prof. development

May 29……………… Holiday: Memorial Day

June 19……………… Holiday: Juneteenth


July 4………………… Holiday: Independence Day

July 31-Aug. 4……… Professional development

Aug. 7……………….. First day for students

Sept. 4……………….. Holiday: Labor Day

Oct. 9……………….. End of the first quarter

Oct. 10……………… No school for students: Prof. development

Oct. 16-20………….. Schools closed. District offices open.

Nov. 7……………….. Schools closed: eLearning Day

Nov. 22-24…………. Holiday: Thanksgiving

Dec. 22……………… Early dismissal. End of the second quarter/first semester

Dec. 25-Jan. 5…….. Holiday: Christmas/Winter Break

Jan. 8………………… No school for students: Prof. development

Jan.15……………….. Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Feb. 19……………… No school for students: Prof. development

Feb. 20-23…………. Schools closed. District offices open.

Mar. 19…………….. End of the third quarter

Mar. 20…………….. No school for students: Prof. development

Mar. 29…………….. Early dismissal

Apr. 1-5…………….. Spring Break for students, school staff

Apr. 1-2…………….. Spring Break for 240-day employees

Apr. 3-5…………….. Schools closed. District offices open.

May 27……………… Holiday: Memorial Day

May 30……………… Last day for students, early dismissal

May 31……………… No school for students: Prof. development

June 19……………… Holiday: Juneteenth

Author: Stephan Drew

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