Prepare for a unique Election Day 2020

Like many days that came before it in 2020, Election Day figures to be unique this year. The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of life as people know it, and it figures to change how they vote this fall as well. The right to vote and participate in a representative government should never be taken for granted. Many people across the globe have no such right, so citizens of the United States should be grateful they can vote and express that gratitude by doing their part and voting each year on Election Day. State and local governments may be approaching Election Day differently as they try to juggle their responsibilities to make voting accessible to all while simultaneously keeping voters safe during the pandemic. Voters can do their part by taking the following steps prior to Election Day, which is November 3, 2020. • Confirm you are registered to vote. Voter registration deadlines differ by state. A list of state-by-state voter registration requirements can be found at • Learn the mail-in ballot policy in your state. Many voters may not vote via mail-in ballots on a typical Election Day, but 2020 is not a typical year. The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. notes that all states offer some form of mail-in ballots. Confirm the mail-in ballot policy and procedure in your state as early as possible to make sure your vote is counted. • Return your completed mail-in ballot as soon as possible. Election Day 2020 will be unique. Voters should not hesitate to take all necessary steps in advance of November 3 to ensure their votes are counted this fall.

Author: Stephan Drew

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