Pilot Club meets for Light-a-Light Ceremony

On Dec. 2, Darlington Mayor Gloria Hines joined members and guests of the Pilot Club of Darlington for the lighting of the Light-A-Light Christmas tree.

The tree’s lights are symbols of the donations made to the Pilot Club in honor of or in memory of special people. Light-A-Light donations become part of the scholarship fund for a deserving high school senior in Darlington each year.

The following donations have been made in honor of these individuals:

Janet Blackmon, Jason Blackmon, Jimmy Blackmon, Kayse Blackmon, Kim Blackmon, Maverick Blackmon, by B.J. Blackmon
Members of the Darlington Pilot Club by Belinda Copeland
Members of the Darlington Pilot Club by Janice Flowers
Sullie Lane, Eloise Smyre by Martha Griggs
Henry and Tania Bailey; Chesley and Barbara Benjamin; Roy and Maggie Blackmon, Royce and Rivers; members of Darlington Anchor Club; members of Darlington Pilot Club; Wallace and Eleanor Haynes; Jason and Laura Smith, Langley and Gracie, Dot Stone; David Vaughan; Wilbur and Donna Vaughan by Rodney and Judy Langley
Frances Manning by Kimberly Nelson
Dona Jo, Barry, Brycen and Braden Brown; Gil, Lauren and Evie Revell; Tommy, Gillie and Garrett Revell; Casey, Andy, Blayne and Ainsely Rhueark; Don and Peggy Ruthven; Tony, Pam and Ramsey Sherrill; Carol Weinberg; Trey, Stacy, Blake and Makayla Weinberg by Peggy Ruthven
Bobby Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Kim Adams, Vikki Adams Guyton, Ivy Adams Landry, Sabrina Adams White by Melissa Schwier
Darlington Anchor Club; Julie and Cal Scott by Mary Scott
The following donations have been made in memory of these individuals:
Letha Barnhill, Georgie Jordan, Christine Hursey by Martha Griggs
Gene Harrison by Jeanette Harrison
Eli Flowers, Mary and E. J. Flowers, Woodrow and Leona Jeffords, Katie Weaver by Pearl Jeffords
Tommy Britt, Frank Burch, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Frank Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Horace Langley, Michael Sigmon, Jim Stone by Rodney and Judy Langley
Henry Manning by Kimberly Nelson
Bill and Emma L. Sherrill, Billy Weinberg by Peggy Ruthven
Kinchen Hartwell Adams, Celeste Jones Neel by Melissa Schwier
Ron Scott by Mary Scott

Author: Stephan Drew

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