Pilot Club gets grant for helmet program
The Pilot Club of Darlington has received a matching grant from Pilot International for a project entitled “Getting a Head Start on Helmets.” Through this grant, the Pilot Club of Darlington received 12 high quality helmets to combine with the helmets they purchased. Approximately 40 percent of all bicycle-related deaths are due to head injuries; three-fourths of all bicycle-related head injuries occur among children ages 14 and under; and many children are simply unable to protect their heads while bike riding because they don’t have access to quality, affordable safety helmets. This international signature project allows Pilots, “The Helmet People,” to place safety helmets on the heads of as many youth as possible. Darlington Mayor Curtis Boyd visited the Pilot Club of Darlington meeting on March 8 and signed a proclamation for Brain Awareness Week, when the club hoped to present BrainMinders. Although the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the plans and prevented a challenge, the Pilot Club found a way to carry out the plans in the Helmet Matching Grant as closely as federal regulations would allow. Because of this grant, members of the Pilot Club of Darlington were able to visit children at the M.G. Burno Head Start Center in Darlington Dec. 7 through a ZOOM call and present a BrainMinders puppet show to teach children how to protect their brain for life. A demonstration was also provided by Pilots about how to properly wear a helmet. One benefit of this type presentation was that the parents/grandparents were present to hear the presentation as well, better enabling them to follow up on the safety tips. Four days following the ZOOM presentation, parents drove their children to M.G. Burno Head Start Center and 58 helmets were presented to the children by Pilots. Parents were provided with written instructions on how to properly fit the helmet on their child’s head and Pilots demonstrated how to wear helmets properly. Children were also given BrainMinders coloring books to reinforce good safety habits at school and home. For more about the Pilot Club of Darlington, visit darlingtonpilotclub.org or contact President Judy Langley at 843-617-0689. We are seeking new members. Also, visit our international website at www.pilotinternational.org.