Oddfellows appoint Brown to National Membership Committee
The Grand United Order Of Oddfellows in America and Jurisdiction recently appointed Brother Kevin N. Brown of Darlington to the National Membership Committee for ensuring a term from January 2023 to January 2025.
Brother Kevin N. Brown has held membership in the Grand United Order Oddfellows in America and Jurisdiction since 2015 and is a proud member of Riley Hill Lodge no. 7224 where he serves as an officer in the local lodge as well on the district level and now will serve on the National level.
The Honorable Rev.Brother Bobby Stone is the Most Honorable Grand Master and Honorable Brother Graham T. Paige is the Honorable Grand Secretary.
The Grand United Order of Oddfellows in America and Jurisdiction is a jurisdiction of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows in the United States, Jamaica, South America, and other locations and has been established since 1843.