National Night Out celebrated Countywide

A huge crowd gathered on Pearl Street for Darlington’s National Night Out. Sponsored by the City of Darlington, Darlington Police Dept. and the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office, National Night Out is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and the community. Visitors were treated to great music, plenty of games, great food and activities. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Level 10 band did a great job and performed an endless variety of wonderful hits at the National Night Out in Darlington on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

A large crowd attended the Darlington National Night Out on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. They enjoyed music, plenty of great food, games and a nice evening on Pearl Street. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

The City of Hartsville held its National Night Out on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 131 Cargill Way in Hartsville. Sponsored by the City of Hartsville Police Department, Darlington County Sheriff’s Office, Hartsville Fire Department, the City of Hartsville and the Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce, the event drew large crowds who enjoyed great food, wonderful music, and a multitude of games and activities. School supplies were also given away. Here, you can see the “Bubble Man” providing a “shower” of fun for the kids. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

During Hartsville’s National Night Out, there were plenty of activities for children and adults alike. Here, a youngster participates in the archery game. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

On Tuesday, August 8, 2023, the City of Society Hill held its National Night Out event. Sponsored by the City of Society Hill Police Department and the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office, there were games, a bouncy house/slide, food and plenty of activities for everyone who attended. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

A large crowd attended the Society Hill National Night Out on Tuesday, August 8, 2023. Here (at right) you see Society Hill’s First Lady Joanne Duke, Society Hill Police Chief Renea Worden and Society Hill Mayor Dwayne Duke sharing an enjoyable evening with the crowds. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW