Men’s Health Month

On Wednesday, June 21, Darlington Mayor Gloria Hines signed a proclamation, declaring the month of June to be Men’s Health Month. Present at the signing were Darlington County First Steps Fatherhood Specialist Jon Flowers and Darlington County First Steps Communications Specialist Patricia Sullivan.

The proclamation reads:

Whereas, despite advances in medical technology and research, men continue to live an average of five years less than women with Native American and African-American men having the lowest life expectancy; and

Whereas, educating the public and health care providers about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and early detection of male health problems will result in reducing rates of mortality from disease; and

Whereas, men who are educated about the value that preventive health can play in prolonging their lifespan and their role as productive family members will be more likely to participate in health screenings; and

Whereas, fathers who maintain a healthy lifestyle are role models for their children and have happier, healthier children; and

Whereas, the Men’s Health Network worked with Congress to develop a national men’s health awareness period as a special campaign to help educate men, boys, and their families about the importance of positive health attitudes and preventative health practices; and

Whereas, the Men’s Health Month web site has been established at and features resources, proclamations, and information about awareness events and activities, including Wear Blue for Men’s Health; and

Whereas, Darlington County Men’s Health Month will focus on a broad range of men’s health issues, including heart disease, mental health, diabetes, prostate, testicular and colon cancer; and

Whereas, the citizens of this city are encouraged to increase awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and medical check-ups.

Now, therefore, I, Gloria C. Hines, Mayor of Darlington, do hereby proclaim June as Men’s Health Month.


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