Mayor proclaims ‘Girl Scout Week
The Girl Scout organization was started 108 years ago, March 12, 1912. Mayor Curtis Boyd proclaimed March 8-14 as Girl Scout Week. After signing the proclamation, the week began with Boyd, along with retired Darlington Police Chief Danny Watson, teaching the girls self-defense. The week ended with a Girl Scout Sunday celebration. The girls were responsible for all aspects of the service including the posting of colors, welcome, purpose, invocation, Scripture and introduction of the speaker. Girls also gave a salute to inspirational women and participated in a rededication ceremony that reminded them of the meaning and value of the Girl Scout organization. An inspirational message was provided by former Girl Scout Michelline Williams, now a public health nurse at the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control. For more information on Girl Scouts, visit or contact Benita Jacobs at the Florence Girl Scout Service Center at 843-669-5174.