Letters to the Editor – Nov. 22, 2017
Dear Editor,
I and hundreds others were treated to an extravaganza of an event at DHS’s Falcon Field (Nov. 4): a grand event that featured our Darlington High School Marching Falcon Show Band hosting several other HS bands from far and near under the banner of the Keith Dabreu Band Competition/ aka Battle of the Bands! The event was graced with a special appearance by our reknowned SC State Garnet & Blue Marching 101 Show Band! What a treat!! Darlington is also graced to have one of its own at the helm of our newest ‘Pearl Of The Pee Dee’, the DHS Falcon Marching Show Band! This young man, Mr. Brendon Johnson, has demonstrated that he is heir-apparent to the grand mastery and reputation established by the late Keith ‘Breu’ Dabreu, a past ‘SCSU 101er’ himself with whom this writer is proud to have known as a friend, associate, and bandmate of historic Mayo High and SC State!
Kudo to a job excellently executed by all, and especially the students!!