Letters to the Editor – December 20, 2017

Age discrimination can happen to anyone

I am a woman, age 75, and have been employed for over 35 years at one job. Needless to say, I have great pride in retiring from a professional life working at one job. Retiring in 2001and returning to my birthplace, Darlington, I continue an active life of working and giving back to the community.

AGE DISCRIMINATION IS REAL AND HAPPENING DAILY. The major problem is if YOU live long enough and build a lengthy career, YOU could be subject to age discrimination as others. Many longtime, devoted employees, never thought their careers would end experiencing age discrimination. This grievance in the workplace is very hurtful, heartbreaking and a serious offence. Every worker deserves equal opportunity,

Most people believe age discrimination begins when the worker hit their 50s. However, according to an AARP research of workers between the ages of 45 and 74; 22 percent of people believe it starts earlier. And 17 percent believes it begins in one’s 60s.
Studies show that there’s also a gender difference in the perception of age discrimination. Seventy-two of women between the ages of 45 and 74 said they think people face age discrimination at work, only 57 percent of men in the same age range said so.
It is really frustrating, and very disappointing if you aren’t appreciated and treated fairly by the company for whom you have worked for so long and so hard. AGE DISCRIMINATION CAN HAPPEN TO ANY OF US; IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!

Hannah Dixon,
Vice President, Federally Employed Women
Member, Advisory Commission on the Status of Women

Market on Darlington Square Committee contemplates future

In May of 2011, Darlington held the first Market on Darlington Square (MoDS). MoDS was always a fun way for Darlingtonians and visitors to spend Saturday morning once a month talking, listening and purchasing the products and produce of various vendors. It was never “wildly” successful by any standard, but in a modest way it accomplished some of its goals. The Committee anticipated from the beginning that the market would eventually run its course, but we didn’t know it would last as long as it has. The Christmas Market on the 9th of December marked the end of the seventh year. We appreciate your support and that of all our vendors.

As I mentioned, we recently had a Christmas Market in the Trinity UMC Fellowship Hall. A dozen or so vendors manned booths from 8:30 in the morning to 3:30. There was music. Santa even showed up at 2:30, but sadly few shoppers came, maybe because of the cold, rainy weather.

Moreover, throughout the summer we couldn’t help but notice the dwindling numbers of shoppers. We had to cancel the once popular Chili Shootout this year for lack of interest.

So, it’s appropriate to evaluate where we are and whether or not we should go forward. We started in 2011 with your positive words and encouragement in this newspaper. So we’d like to consider the end of the Market here as well. If you agree with our assessment that the Market has finally come to the end of its appeal, take no further action. We will simply not open in the spring.

If, however, you think we are misreading the tea leaves and acting prematurely, please contact our City Planner Lisa Chalian-Rock by e-mail at darlingtonplanner@gmail.com. And indicate, if you don’t mind, whether you are a shopper or a vendor.

Thanks again.
MoDS Committee


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