LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Why won’t McMaster mandate masks?

It was gratifying to see state Rep. Robert Williams’ article in the July 8 News & Press about contacting the governor concerning the need for mandated wearing of masks.
Although few of our important laws or rules can be enforced 100 percent, that doesn’t prevent responsible citizens from observing them: Speed limits, seat belts, child safety seats, obeying traffic lights, not talking on cellphones while driving, and the list goes on.
Difficulty of enforcement is an excuse, not a reason, for failing to mandate this life-saving measure.
The problem, I fear, is that our governor is in the pocket of his president — or worse. When will Gov. McMaster realize that his allegiance should be to his state, which is suffering profoundly, and not to his party?
Why must South Carolina once again be high on a list of embarrassments — in this case, deadly ones?

Sarah Fallaw,

Author: Stephan Drew

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