LETTER TO THE EDITOR: School Board not listening
Dear Editor,
It’s as clear and as obvious as the nose on our faces that the school board had finalized plans to consolidate St. Johns and Rosenwald schools. All of the side stepping the questions and evasiveness. Moves were in the works when they were conducting public hearings.
This is a clear example of why voting is so very important. You voted for this representation and they are not hearing you. They have forgotten who they work for and have discounted your wishes. If you are tired of the decisions that are made with your disapproval, vote them out. The same applies to the superintendent. He’s hired by the school board, get involved as a community and pressure the board to non renewal of his contract.
The board and superintendents’ actions are inexscusable, unnecessary, duplicitous and bordering on conspiratorial. Some board member wonders why this issue has become so nasty. Look at yourself and the rest of your colleagues and how you conduct business, then you will have the answer to your question.
The board and Mr.Newman attempt hide behind the proposition they have our children’s best interest in mind but they need to remember that the community for which they work is the other piece of that partnership. Lets pay closer attention to the operations of our schools, it’s incumbent upon us to hold these officials accountable because they have already demonstrated that they won’t.
Darryl K Stapleton, Sr
Darlington, SC 29532