LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Not everyone has the same American Dream

Dear Editor,

I have read the opinion column by Phil Noble in this publication over the years. I must respectfully disagree to his conclusion in the column “Is the American Dream alive or dead in South Carolina?” published on August 1, 2017.

I find it very interesting yet extremely offensive that it seems that Mr. Noble is implying that the American Dream or rather the South Carolina Dream is divided along racial lines. The Harvard University study he cites shows that black people cannot or are having difficulty achieving the American Dream. Such studies perpetuate the idea that black people are so inept they can only succeed only through the good will and benevolence of white people.

The truth be told, the American Dream will not be achieved by all individual Americans because it is not their dream. One person’s dream is another person’s nightmare. For Mr. Noble to imply that his definition of the American Dream is for all is presumptive and frankly rather arrogant. Only the individual can attain their version of the American Dream which may be vastly different from another’s. Further to state that a color line has been drawn preventing the achievement of the American Dream for blacks is racist in itself and is intended to instigate racial division.

I believe a dream is something hoped for and not all hope for the same thing. Dreams only becomes your reality when they are achieved and not all will be. We must embrace the belief that each individual is responsible for his or her own Dream and its achievement; race is not a factor.

Rujon Williams

Author: mrollins

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