LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Battered dog from Darlington County finds ‘forever home’

The article you ran Nov. 26, 2019, about Lola, the battered dog from the Darlington County Humane Society, was shared with us.
And I am writing to happily say that she has found her forever home, after a long journey.
It’s been a year since she first arrived at the Darlington County Humane Society. Thanks to Long Trail Canine Rescue in Vermont, she was transported all the way to Vermont, to another foster home for nine months where she started to settle into home life.
Then we adopted her!
We are excited to give her a good forever home. She seems to be settling in really well and enjoying wrestling with our other dog Hoagie, who was also originally found by the Darlington County Humane Society. We have gone on a few outings with her so far, and she is now putting full weight on her prosthetic leg.
Lola, who we have renamed Zola (short for Gorgonzola — we love naming our dogs after foods), is one of sweetest, kindest, most loving dogs I have ever known and we all feel very lucky to have her as a part of our family.

Isabella Hartridge-Beam
Age 11
Hanover, N.H.

Author: Stephan Drew

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