Lawson-Sharp engagement
Mr. and Mrs. James Hemphill Lawson of Darlington, SC, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kate Hamphill Lawson, of Charleston to Madison Drummond Sharp of Charleston, the son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Drummond Sharp III of Rock Hill, SC. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Paul Anderson of Darlington and the late Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Coke Lawson of Darlingon. She graduated from Clemson University and is employed by Hawkes Learning in Mount Pleasant. The bridegroom-elect is the grandson of Dr. and Mrs. James Lester Hudgins of Clemson and Mrs. Henry Drummond Sharp, Jr., of Rock Hill, and the late Dr. Sharp. He graduated from Clemson University and attends the MUSC College of Dental Medicine. A May 15, 2021 wedding is planned at the Darlington Presbyterian Church in Darlington, SC.