Kiwanis installs new slate of officers

Incoming President Bobby Kilgo presents Immediate Past President Bill Moore Jr. with a plaque honoring his service to the Darlington Kiwanis Club.

Last week, the Darlington Kiwanis Club had a special guest, Kiwanis Lt. Gov. Pete Hoogendonk, to induct a new slate of officers for the 2019-20 Kiwanis Year.

The Board of Directors includes President Bobby Kilgo, President-elect Charles Bailey, Secretary John Segars, Treasurer Linwood Epps, Past President Bill Moore Jr., Spiritual Aims Chris Byrd, Membership Robby Kilgo, Attendance David Vaughan, Sponsored Youth Jane Lloyd, Public Relations Lisa Rock, Fundraising Bill Moore Jr. and Youth Services Diane Sigmon.

Darlington’s Club, one of the oldest in the area and founded in 1921, meets every other Thursday at 1 p.m. at Darlington Country Club for a buffet lunch and program.

The group sponsors a variety of projects focused on children in the community including Terrific Kids, other academic awards, and scholarships for Darlington Key Club members among other community projects.

Kiwanis Club Lt. Gov. Pete Hoogendonk inducts Bobby Kilgo as President of the Darlington Kiwanis Club for the 2019-20 Kiwanis year. Kilgo served as president of the Club in 2014-15.

The next fundraiser will be the Kiwanis Pancake & Sausage Supper from 5-8 p.m. Oct. 18 at Trinity United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 126 Pearl St. Eat-in, take-out, or drive-through plates are $7 each.

The next club meeting Oct. 3 will feature a presentation by Frank Stoda about his search and rescue missions at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.

Find the Club online at

Incoming President Bobby Kilgo inducts Assistant Fire Chief Charles Bailey as president-elect for the Kiwanis 2019-20 year. Bailey will serve as president for the 2020-21 Kiwanis year. Contributed photos

Author: Stephan Drew

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