How you can help Darlington businesses through this crisis

Over the past week, life has changed dramatically right before our eyes.
Our communities that were founded on innovation and hard work face adversity and hardship like they have not faced in our lifetime. Businesses have transformed the way they operate within days and some within hours.
Darlington is strong and we are resilient. I am fully confident that we will all come out of this on the other side stronger, more confident in ourselves as people, more compassionate, and more innovative than we ever believed we could be.
During this time, please consider doing one or more of the following to support our local businesses and our local economy:
— Engage online with your favorite businesses. Share and comment on their Facebook or Instagram posts.
— If you have a membership or subscription to a business, continue paying it if you can.
— Order takeout or delivery and over-tip if you have the means.
— Ask a business owner how you can help. This act of kindness goes a long way and is greatly appreciated.
— Reach out to first responders and health care providers and let them know that lunch is on you. These men and women are heroes without the cape and mask, and they are tired – please thank them! If you cannot afford lunch, they would appreciate kind words or a note of thanks!
— We have great city and county leaders spending countless hours to make sure our citizens are safe. Please thank them. They too are heroes.
— Join the Darlington County Take Out and Delivery Options Group on Facebook and learn about dozens of local businesses and what they are offering menu-wise and delivery and/or takeout.
— When you support a local business, shout it from the rooftops (at a safe distance, of course!) via social media. Take a photo, tag the business and let your friends and family know how they can also help our local businesses during this time of uncertainty.
At this moment, we are not able to control a lot of what is going on around us, but we can control how we come together as communities. Please continue to stay positive, check on each other via social media or the telephone and support our local businesses.
When we look back at this time in our lives and this time in our communities’ history, we want to make sure we can say we are proud of the way Darlington responded to the challenge and it made us better citizens and Americans.
Please let the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce, Lamar and Society Hill know how we can be of any assistance. Although the office may be closed and I am working remotely, the telephones are transferred to my cellphone and I am here to assist. Please contact me at

Harriet L. Hobbs, president,
Greater Darlington
Chamber of Commerce

Author: Stephan Drew

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