Holiday Card Art Contest winner visits with DCIT’s graphic communication students

During a recent tour of the DCIT Graphics Communication lab, Mia Braddock was given several gifts that featured her painting. Her painting is also featured on the cover of this special section. Photos courtesy of Darlington County School District

Mia Braddock, the winner of the 2019 DCSD Holiday Card Art Contest, got a chance to visit the Darlington County Institute of Technology’s (DCIT) Graphic Communications lab recently.

Mia Braddock’s painting of a family vehicle returning home with a Christmas tree.

Graphic Communication teacher Eric Tew offered Braddock a tour of equipment, machinery and software used daily by the students in his classes. The students gifted Braddock with a mouse pad, button, coffee mug and other trinkets all donning the winning holiday card artwork.

Braddock, a fifth grader from Spaulding Elementary, won the Holiday Card Art Contest with a painting of a family vehicle bringing home a Christmas tree. The painting is featured on the district’s official holiday cards.

Mia Braddock, a fifth grade student at Spaulding Elementary School, won the Darlington County School District’s 2019 Holiday Card Art Contest. Recently, she was given a tour of DCIT’s Graphics Communications lab, where her painting was printed on the district’s official holiday cards.

“We thoroughly enjoy participating in the district’s Holiday Card Art Contest each year,” an official said. “Mr. Tew’s Graphic Communication students learn so much through the process of creating the holiday cards. My favorite part of the tour is seeing the student’s amazement as Mr. Tew and his students show them how the cards are produced.”

The Darlington County Board of Education will also recognize Braddock during its December meeting.

This year’s Holiday Card Art Contest was open for students in grades 3-5. The contest rotates grade levels each year and will be open to grades 6-8 in 2020.

Author: Stephan Drew

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