Hartsville-Coker Concert Assoc. presents Mithril
Hartsville-Coker Concert Assoc. presents Mithril – Irish Folk Music performing at the Watson Theater, Elizabeth Boatwright Coker Performing Arts Center, Coker College on Monday March 16 – 7:30 p.m.
An exotic musical journey to Ireland, Scotland, and beyond. Hailing from Mobile, Alabama, Mithril delivers Celtic Music that reaches into American folk, classical, rock and World Music territory with a fun and free spirit. The four musicians perform on a wide array of instruments, including Irish flute, fife, Celtic harp, fiddle, guitar and percussion, playing with the precision of their classical training and the enthusiasm and high energy that springs from their love of the music. A great warm-up for your St. Patrick’s Day celebrations! This performance is the final concert in the 2014-15 Hartsville-Coker Concert Series. Admission is $25 for adults and free for students under 18 or with a Coker ID. For more information, contact HCCA toll-free at 866-821-4266 or HCCA@coker.edu.