Hartsville approves airport fencing project

By Samantha Lyles, Staff Writer, slyles@newsandpress.net

Hartsville City Council convened a special meeting on Monday, September 18 and voted to proceed with a federally funded project to improve the city’s airport.

Resolution 09-17-06 awards a $206,699 contract to build perimeter fencing around the Hartsville Airport to Fortress Fencing of Sanford, North Carolina. The contract details state that Fortress will build 9,000 linear feet of 10-foot tall chain link fence with gates. The project will be funded mostly by federal funds administered through the South Carolina Aeronautics Commission, with the city contributing five percent of the final project cost.

Council voted ‘yes’ on Resolution 09-17-01 and approved a new bid award for asbestos surveying and air monitoring of Neighborhood Initiative Program Properties. At Council’s Sep. 7 meeting, this contract was awarded to low bidder Asbestos Inspections, LLC of Conway in the amount of $1,595, but that bid was later invalidated due to miscalculation errors. The contract will instead go to ECH Consultants of Darlington for the bid amount of $3,850. ECH will conduct asbestos surveying and air monitoring services as required by the Department of Health and Environmental Controls and SC Housing. This precaution is necessary to ensure that derelict homes taken down by the city do not pose an air quality threat to nearby residents.

Final readings were approved for Ordinance 4303 and 4304, reworking a real estate arrangement with the planned EdVenture Children’s Museum satellite. EdVenture owned .17 acres of property located at 146 West Carolina Avenue, and they wished to deed the property back to the City of Hartsville for $5, and then lease the property from the city for five years at a rate of $1 per year. Previously, city manager Natalie Zeigler explained that EdVenture did not wish to own the property and preferred a lease arrangement.
Also at this special meeting, Council approved the appointment of Ted Williams to the Housing Authority of Hartsville Board.


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