Genesis Health Care partners with Darlington County Institute of Technology Health Care Program to award scholarships

FIRST PLACE: Susan Aistrop/Martaysia Williams (Instructor Connie Altman, RN)

SECOND PLACE: Abby Turbeville (Instructor Kellie Flowers, RN)

THIRD PLACE: Savanna Thompson/Mariano Diaz/Armani Bell (Instructor Lindsey McElveen, RN, BSN)

Genesis Health Care recently partnered with the Darlington County Institute of Technology Health Care Program to increase student awareness of diabetes. Referred to as the “Healthy Living Project,” students worked individually or as groups and created a 3-5-minute informative video on diabetes or one of several subtopics related to it. The top three were selected and the winning individuals or teams earned scholarships from Genesis Health Care. The videos will also be showcased on waiting area monitors in local Genesis locations. First place: Susan Aistrop/Martaysia Williams (Instructor Connie Altman, RN). Second place: Abby Turbeville (Instructor Kellie Flowers, RN). Third place: Savanna Thompson/Mariano Diaz/Armani Bell (Instructor Lindsey McElveen, RN, BSN). Howard Nettles, Director of Community Outreach for Genesis Healthcare, is at left in the photos.


Author: Stephan Drew

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