Fire Department finds a hot deal in Vermont
The Darlington Fire Department is buying a fire truck from a Vermont town and selling another truck to the Darlington County Fire District under a plan OK’d by Darlington City Council last week.
The DFD will purchase, for $135,000, a 2001 ladder truck from the town of Williston, Vt. It will be financed, officials said, through a loan from Carolina Bank at 2.5 percent interest, with the first payment not due until July 2022.
And the DFD will sell an old ladder truck to the Darlington County Fire District for $45,000.
In other business at City Council’s Sept. 1 meeting, the city is moving nearer to making use of Mayor Curtis Boyd’s idea for selling ads on large city vehicles. The city has found no legal obstacles to the idea, said city planner Lisa Chalian-Rock. The next step: Developing a payment-rate schedule.
Also last week:
— Council approved a plan to set the fee for a zoning-change request at $150. The city currently does not charge a fee, said Rock. By comparison, the city of Camden charges $150 for a zoning-change request; the city of Florence, $100; and the county of Kershaw, $300.
— Council gave final approval to a package of economic incentives for the Darlington Country Club, which is renovating its facility under new owners who plan to invest $3.2 million in capital expenses and to hire at least 10 full-time employees.
— Bobby Bryant