FDTC program wins honor

The RUSH (Removing Underserved Student Hurdles) Program at Florence-Darlington Technical College (FDTC) was recently named the SCTEA’s A. Wade Martin Innovation Team of the Year and was presented a check for $1,000.
The SCTEA’s A. Wade Martin Innovation Team of the Year honor recognizes a group of people who are significantly contributing to their respective college and the S.C. Technical College System. This year marks the first time that a group at FDTC has ever been chosen for the honor.
“We are extremely proud of the RUSH Team,” said FDTC Interim President Edward Bethea. “They have made a huge difference for our students and their success.”
The team award process begins with each college president of the state’s 16 technical colleges nominating a team to represent their institution. Bethea nominated the RUSH Program to represent FDTC. Nominees for the honor had to be full-time employees and could not directly report to the institution’s president.
“We extend our deepest gratitude to our students, faculty and staff who have been receptive and supportive of the program,” said RUSH Program Coordinator Andre Boyd. “Our community partners have provided numerous resources to lend a hand to the work to which we’ve committed. We consider it a tremendous blessing to be given the opportunity to use our gifts to make a difference in our own community.
“If you look at the diversity within our team, we have engineers, entrepreneurs, artists, counselors and a physician. Several of us are or have been certified public school teachers or college instructors. Collectively, we come from four continents and speak more than six languages between us, not including the language of computer programming.”
At FDTC, the RUSH Program assists students on their educational journey. The program provides its students with free tutorial services, academic advisement, career counseling, job shadowing, a book/laptop loan program, workshops and more. It serves first-time freshmen enrolled in STEM and healthcare programs. An extension of the program, RUSH CTE, serves career and technical students and welcomes walk-ins for tutoring services.

Author: Stephan Drew

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