Dirty Dancing Drive-in Movie Night at Byerly Park
The City of Hartsville recently hosted a drive-in movie night at Byerly Park, showing Dirty Dancing on the field beside the Pirate Splash Pad. The 1987 flick was projected on a 40-foot screen while the audience either pulled up in their car or settled in the grass on chair, pillows and blankets. As the screen was inflated, there were many videos being shot and selfies being taken to commemorate the fun evening. There was popcorn and drinks and at least one basket packed picnic. Before the movie began local dance teacher Brenda Cranford gathered a crowd to learn a few quick dance moves. All ages gathered on the dance floor to learn a mumbo and other styles. While there may have been a few participants with two left feet no one seemed to care as they danced with family and friends, even trying their hand at the song famously danced to in the movie: (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life.
Photos by Melissa Rollins