DEVOTIONAL: Prop us up when we are leaning, oh Lord
By Pastor Don Squires
Temple Free Will Baptist Church, Darlington
Ps. 37:24 – Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand. A pastor of a small church would occasionally call on one older gentleman to pray, and every time this one particular fellow would pray, he would pray, “Oh God, thank you for this Word today and bless these people today.” Then he would end with the strangest statement: “And, oh God, oh Lord, prop us up on our leaning side.” Every time the preacher would call on him, he’d pray, “Oh Lord, prop us up on our leaning side.” Finally the pastor pulled him aside, and said, “I love the way you pray, but I don’t understand your little closing phrase. What are you talking about – prop us up on our leaning side?” He responded, “Well, pastor, I’m a farmer. I live on a farm in the country. I’ve got an old barn and it’s been there a long time. It’s been through a lot of weather, and a lot of storms, and a lot of bugs have eaten at it.” He continued, “I got to looking at it one day when I was riding on my tractor, and I noticed it was leaning to one side. So I thought to myself, oh my goodness! The barn is leaning and it’s only a matter of time before the whole thing falls.” He added: “So you know what I did? I went and got some pine beams and I propped it up on its leaning side. It still leans and probably always will. But I propped it up on its leaning side. And it’s not going to fall down because I propped it up on its leaning side.” “And I got to thinking about it,” he added. “When I was on the tractor, pastor, and I was riding in the field, I thought about the kind of year I’ve had, and some of the storms I’ve been through, and some of the people that are bugging me and eating away at my joy and eating away at my spirit.” “And I just got to thinking, you know. I’m still here! I’m still standing after all that stuff I’ve been through. The storms, the howling winds – they couldn’t topple me. I’m still standing by the grace of God.” “From time to time, I find myself leaning. Leaning toward my old desires, leaning toward anger, leaning toward becoming bitter or hateful at the people bugging me, or leaning toward going back to the old habits and the old life I used to have. And when I feel myself start leaning toward those things, I just remember that old barn, and I pray out loud on my tractor, ‘Lord, I thank you for propping me up on my leaning side.’” (Author unknown to me.) We have to lean on Jesus and not on this world. The world is lost and leaning. We as Christians act like we’re wandering around in the wilderness. Economically, politically and spiritually. We’re the sons and daughters of God, and it’s time for us to start acting like it. As it gets darker, stars always shine brighter. We’ve got to start shining brighter because the world around us continues to get darker. We have to lean on Jesus. We must let Him prop us up before we fall. What part of your life, right now, is in need of “propping up” before it falls down? God can use you to prop someone else up on THEIR leaning side as well! There are people all around us on a daily basis who need a little propping up. Who have you helped “prop up” recently? Be there for those who are leaning. Exodus 17:10-12 – So Joshua did as Moses told him, and fought with Amalek, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. 11: Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed. 12: But Moses’ hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, while Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side. So his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. Let’s help hold up the hands of those who have become weary in the battles of life. We have to keep our hands up if you want to win. We must continue to praise Him in the storms we find ourselves in. Don’t ever let the enemy steal your joy, your worship or your praise. Our circumstances are only temporary in this old world. It’s our choice whether or not we raise our hands in worship and adoration to our king during these seasons of leaning. Are you in need of propping up today? Ask the Lord for help. Do you know someone who could use a little propping up right now? Seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in how to help others who are struggling. We are praying for each of you and your families right now. Our prayer and hope is that you have a great day in the Lord.