DCSD releases new guidance for Athletic Events

After the incidents at the Darlington High School stadium last Friday night, Darlington County School District (DCSD) leaders met with City of Darlington leadership and city and county law enforcement agencies to identify ways to increase safety and improve experiences for fans at district After the incidents at the Darlington High School stadium last Friday night, Darlington County School District (DCSD) leaders met with City of Darlington leadership and city and county law enforcement agencies to identify ways to increase safety and improve experiences for fans at district sporting events.sporting events. The meeting included the Darlington County Sheriff’s Office, the Darlington Police Department, and City of Darlington mayor and city manager.

“We will not tolerate the behavior that was shown at last Friday night’s football game,” said Dr. Tim Newman, DCSD superintendent. “Our families and our student athletes deserve a safe and violence free atmosphere. The District and school administrators will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to ensure the highest standards of safety for our students, staff, and community.”

Beginning immediately, all DCSD football games will have an increased law enforcement presence and heightened school supervision. In addition:

  • DCSD high school students must show a school ID to enter the stadium.
  • All students in eighth grade or below must be accompanied by an adult 21 years old or older.
  • No loitering inside or outside the stadium.
  • Attendees will be expected to remain in their seats or move directly to and from the concession stands and restrooms.
  • All attendees must pass through the weapons detectors to enter the stadium.
  • Only clear bags, per the district’s clear bag program, will be permitted.
  • No tickets will be sold after half-time.
  • No re-entry will be permitted.
  • All DCSD facilities are tobacco free. Anyone caught smoking or vaping will be asked to leave the stadium.
  • No running or horseplay permitted.
  • Anyone not following the rules will be removed from the premises and banned from all district events.  

“I appreciate the action taken by the Darlington Police Department and the Darlington Sheriff’s Office” said Curtis Boyd, mayor of Darlington. “They swiftly stopped potentially explosive situations and protected the public and athletes. The City of Darlington firmly stands behind the Darlington County School District in the steps they are taking to protect citizens and property.”

“I am proud of the men and women of the Darlington Police Department and for their commitment to protecting citizens and visitors of the City of Darlington,” said Darlington Police Chief James Davis. “It is sad that a few unruly individuals had to spoil a football game for thousands of people, but we remain committed to our duty to protect the public.”


Author: Stephan Drew

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