DCSD offers free Wi-Fi Hotspots to eligible families

The Darlington County School District (DCSD) will offer a limited number of free Wi-Fi hotspots to families without Internet access this year.
The devices are provided by the S.C. Department of Education and paid for with its federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding. Families who meet the requirements can enroll online or at any DCSD school. There is a limit of one device per family.
To qualify for a free Wi-Fi hot spot, families must meet all three qualifications:
The family must have a student enrolled in the Darlington County School District,
The family must meet the income requirements set by the state, and
The household cannot already have Internet with sufficient capacity to deliver instructional content. Some areas of Darlington County do not offer cellular service. If there is no cellular service in the area, the hotspot will not work.
According to the program guidelines, the household income must be at or below 250 percent of the federal poverty level (see chart below). Applicants will be required to show their Medicaid card or documents to verify income.
To be eligible for the hotspot, you must make less than the amount listed below:
If there is one person in your household, your income must be less than $31,900.
If there are two people in your household, your income must be less than $43,100.
If there are three people in your household, your income must be less than $54,300.
If there are four people in your household, your income must be less than $65,500.
If there are five people in your household, your income must be less than $76,700.
If there are six people in your household, your income must be less than $87,900.
If there are seven people in your household, your income must be less than $99,100.
If there are eight people in your household, your income must be less than $110,300.
If you have more than 8 people in your household, add $4,480 for each person over 8.
To complete the application, parents should go to the district website and click on the “STUDENTS AND PARENTS” option on the main menu. Parents can also get a paper copy of the form at any DCSD school.
There are a limited number of Wi-Fi devices. Devices are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is a limit of only one device per family.
For more information, please contact the DCSD Office of Technology at 843-398-2292.

Author: Stephan Drew

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