Darlington Together plans October meeting

The October meeting of Darlington Together will be held at 5:30p.m. on October 18th at Trinity UUnited Methodist Church, located at 126 Pearl St, in Darlington. Darlington Together looks forward to hearing from Aspen Institute Fellow, Dr. Zenobia Edwards at the meeting. The group will gather to learn about work that the Aspen Institute Criminal Justice Reform Initiative is doing. Darlington Together is a diverse group of Darlington citizens, business owners and community leaders, interested in examining and working on problems in Darlington through a spiritual and non-judgmental lens. At the Darlington Together meeting on September 20th at New Providence Missionary Baptist Church, the group heard from the mayor of Florence, Teresa Meyers Ervin, Darlington Mayor Curtis Boyd, and local law enforcement officials. Those in attendance spent the evening brainstorming to identify the most pressing problems in Darlington. The group placed juvenile crime in this area as one of the top concerns of the day.
Dr. Edwards, former principal of Darlington County Intervention School and founder of the first comprehensive alternative program in Darlington County School District, is the site leader for the Aspen Institute Initiative on Criminal Justice Reform in South Carolina. The Aspen Institute was formed in the 1940’s and looks to solve various problems through fresh lens. The I-95 corridor of SC is the third area in the US chosen by the Institute’s Initiative on Criminal Justice Reform because of the high poverty and crime rate. The public is cordially invited to the meeting. Refreshments will be served and the program will begin at 5:30pm. There is no charge. Please come by and do what you can to help us change our community and make a difference.

Author: Stephan Drew

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