Darlington students take part in book challenge

Fifth-graders at Darlington’s Temple Christian Academy (TCA) participated in an “enLightenSC” children’s book challenge that concluded in February and two teams took first and second prizes for writing and illustrating books that focused on new technologies in the energy industry.
TCA Students Ansley Clark, Jacob Gilbert and Justus Lighty won first place for their story, “Moving in a New Direction,” which chronicled a family as it decided to purchase a new electric vehicle.
Second place was awarded to Rafe Benton, Trenton Gilbert and Carter Paschal for their story on solar power, “Carter’s Renewable Energy.”
Top finishers and their teacher in the literacy competition, which was sponsored by Pee Dee Electric Cooperative Inc. (PDEC) and The Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina (ECSC), were awarded $50 VISA gift cards and second place took home $25 VISA gift cards.
EnLightenSC is an organization created by South Carolina’s 20 electric cooperatives to provide educators with teaching tools and lesson plans covering the history of electricity, how it’s generated and its effect on the environment.
“The kids had so much fun creating these books and the younger grades are eager to participate next year,” said Donald Gilbert, TCA teacher and associate pastor.
“Pee Dee Electric wants to give young people an opportunity to learn about cooperatives and just how much electricity impacts our lives,” Jeff Singletary, PDEC marketing vice president, explained.
The enLightenSC book challenge is available to all fourth and fifth grade students in South Carolina.
Students can enter individually or in supervised groups. Participating schools are provided blank, hardback books for students to write and illustrate their story.
Local winners are entered in a statewide competition in March where entries are judged on originality, creativity and inclusion of electricity. Statewide winners can receive up to $500.

Author: Stephan Drew

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