Darlington Rotary Club gives out scholarships

The Darlington Rotary Club gave out 4 college scholarships on Friday, June 30, 2023 at South of Pearl restaurant, 117 Edwards Avenue, in Darlington. Seen here (center) is Nicholas Jordan, flanked by Johnny Campbell and Dee Dee Kehl of the Darlington Rotary Club. Nicholas will be attending Anderson University. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Darriel Scarborough also received a college scholarship from the Rotary Club of Darlington. Darriel will be attending Winston-Salem State University and is seen here (center) flanked by Johnny Campbell and Dee Dee Kehl, both of the Rotary Club. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Kenya Mabry also received a Rotary Club scholarship. However, she was unable to attend the luncheon presentation due to her military requirements. Kenya will be attending the Citadel. Her mother, Vivian Mabry (center) was on hand to accept in her place. She is flanked by Johnny Campbell and Dee Dee Kehl, both of the Darlington Rotary Club. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Hillary Garland was also the recipient of a scholarship from the Darlington Rotary Club. Hillary will be attending the University of South Carolina. Here, she is seen (center) flanked by Johnny Campbell and Dee Dee Kehl, both of the Darlington Rotary Club. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Author: Stephan Drew

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