Darlington Pilot Club hosts Alzheimer’s awareness event
Darlington Pilot Club President Judy Langley recently presented a check for the Alzheimer’s Association to Elizabeth Brantley, Program Director for a ten-county area of the Alzheimer’s Association.
Brantley spoke about effective communication strategies for working with individuals with Alzheimer’s or related dementia in the early, middle, and late stages during an event March 22.
She summarized her presentation with communication strategies in all stages of Alzheimer’s:
•Join the person’s reality to connect.
•Understand and accept what you can and cannot change.
•Remember that the person retains a sense of self despite the losses of the disease.
•Demonstrate respect and connect through feelings.
•Always treat the person as the adult he or she is.
•Try to decode the person’s communications.
•Recognize the effects of your mood and actions.
•Try to understand the source of reactions.
•Help meet the needs while soothing and calming the person.
For more information and resources on Alzheimer’s, visit their website at: alz.org/care. A helpline is also available 24/7 at 800-272-3900.