Darlington holds Community Prayer Walk

A Community Prayer Walk was held in Darlington on Saturday, August 19, 2023, to pray for help with the challenges that face so many of us across the world. Approximately 30 people gathered at the Public Square before splitting up and walking through different neighborhoods. Participants walked and prayed through Brockington Heights, Washington Square, the Swift Creek area, Autum Run, Maytown Apartments, Pine Village, the Mill Hill, Pecan Grove and Parrott Street Apartments. Here, everyone bows their heads as Darlington Mayor Curtis Boyd (near far right) prays. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

The crowd gathered for a group picture before separating to their buses and departing for the neighborhoods they chose to walk in. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Former Darlington Mayor Gloria Hines shares a laugh with current Darlington Mayor Curtis Boyd before the prayer walk begins. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Author: Stephan Drew

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