Darlington High School student athletes sign

Darlington High School student athletes Nick Jordan (seated, center left) and Serena Rivera (seated, center right) recently signed their intent to play sports in college. Nick is an 18-year-old DHS student who intends to play football when he attends Anderson University. He is the son of Frances Gerald and Kendell Evans and has been playing football for over 3 years. He originally began playing basketball but was convinced to switch to football while in the 8th grade. Jordan said, “I want to make it to the NFL and be a Hall of Famer.” Serena Rivera is a 17-year-old DHS student who will play tennis when she attends Coker university. The daughter of Peggy and Jose Rivera, she started playing tennis in the 11th grade. She said, “I just really like individual sports.” CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Author: Stephan Drew

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